Shams Shaikh

1800 Learnard Ave · Lawrence, KS 66044 · (785) 840-4820 ·

I have a diverse background in math, chess, and various roles such as soccer coach, barista, math tutor, and property manager, but my true passion lies in software engineering. After obtaining my Green Card, I seized the opportunity to rekindle my dream by completing an immersive software engineering bootcamp at App Academy and taking online classes at Codecademy and HarvardX. My adaptability, work ethic, and enthusiasm for learning are evident through my journey, and I am excited to contribute my unique perspective and technical skills to your team. Thank you for considering my application; I look forward to the possibility of connecting further.


  • Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, C
  • AWS Certification: Cloud Practitioner (scheduled for Jan-Feb 2024)
  • Back End: Django, Flask, Node, Express
  • Database: SQL, Postgres, SQLite3
  • Front End: React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Redux
  • Misc: Git, Github, VScode, OOP, TDD



Harvard University Extension Online Classes
  • Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
  • Introduction to Computer Science
August 2022 - Oct 2023

App Academy

Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp
  • 24 week immersive bootcamp with 960+ hour curriculum and < 3% acceptance rate
  • Built 4 full stack projects, 2-3 features with full CRUD functionality, 1-2 week timeline per project
Nov 2021 - May 2022


Interactive Online Coding Classes
  • Rest APIs with Spring and Java
  • Python, React, Git, Github, Command Line
Apr 2019 - Oct 2022

CS50X Projects

Flask, SQLite, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Jan-2023, HarvardX.
CS50X-Finance is a web application that manages your portfolio stocks. You can buy and sell stocks using the current actual price on yahoo finance API.

App Academy Projects

Flask, Postgres, React, Redux

Apr-2022, App Academy.
Jokenote is a loose clone of Evernote, where users can create subjects and write jokes under these subjects. Users can categorize their jokes for quick reference and check the ratings.

Flask, Postgres, React, Redux

Apr-2022, App Academy.
Scooped is a clone of Untappd where users can view a wide variety of ice creams, explore their descriptions and even submit new ice creams to be added. Create an account to be able to leave reviews on ice creams and have your own profile to keep your ice cream submissions in order.

Node, Express, Postgres, React, Redux

Mar-2022, App Academy.
Nibora was my first solo attempt at building a web app which is a loose clone of the site Quora. Nibora is a place to go ask questions and leave answers to all things related to fountain pens.


I am a US Soccer "D" licensed coach. I have coached youth soccer at the U-14 level for several years and enjoyed it very much. I follow the ups and down of the Liverpool Football Club.

I used to play regularly in US Chess Federation tournaments at the amatuer level. Even though I do not participate in tournaments anymore, I still follow major tournaments online and keep up with the current chess world news.